H. A. M. P. A.

Hollidaysburg Arts & Music Parents Association


We warmly welcome you to our website and hope it gives you an insight into what our students in the music and drama programs are involved in, and a better understanding of what our booster parent’s organization, HAMPA, does to enrich the music and arts programs here at Hollidaysburg.  Feel free to browse our site for information on all the programs, important information, ways to volunteer and so much more.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

The importance of music and drama education and its impact on all areas of academic and personal development can not be overstated.  All students, regardless of ability have a place in the Hollidaysburg Music and Drama programs and are encouraged to take advantage of all the many opportunities it has to offer.

What is HAMPA?

HAMPA stands for Hollidaysburg Arts and Music Parent Association

Who do we support?

The Hollidaysburg Area Music and Drama programs provide a comprehensive arts and music education, along with many exceptional enrichment experiences for almost 700 students in the Hollidaysburg Area Junior and Senior High Schools, as well as over 1,600 elementary students.

What does HAMPA do?

Funds received from the School District do not cover all of the necessary expenditures needed to successfully facilitate our growing Music and Drama programs. Therefore, HAMPA, a 501(c)(3) certified nonprofit organization, was dedicated to providing financial support to the directors in order to promote the highest quality music education available to the students in the Music and Drama programs.

Who are members of HAMPA?

As a parent of a music/drama student, you are automatically included as a member of HAMPA.  HAMPA is an organization, which consists of loyal, hardworking parents/volunteers, that provide enrichment programs for the students to develop their music skills.

Did you know?

The Music Department and the Hollidaysburg Area School District has been annually recognized as one of the Best Communities for Music Education in the United States by the NAMM Foundation since 2012.

The music and drama programs at Hollidaysburg far exceed the opportunities available at most schools in the area. The support from the Hollidaysburg School District, the HASD Foundation, and especially HAMPA, is vital for the continued success and benefit for the students.

A partial list of the many things that HAMPA helps to fund and support:

  •  Guest Musicians and Artists
  •  Snacks and Meals
  •  Music Folders
  •  Summer String Camp
  •  Marching Band Camp/Picnic
  •  Marching Band Supplies
  •  JH trip to Kennywood
  •  SH trips- NYC, Washington DC, and Disney
  •  New Instruments
  •  Repairs to instruments and equipment
  •  Costumes, props, and scenery
  •  Dry cleaning and alterations of Band uniforms and Choir robes
  •  New music
  •  Festival opportunities
  •  Scholarships

Board of Directors

We need active members who have a desire and willingness to assist in all of these activities for the benefit of all of our students. Parents, please consider volunteering your time to enhance our programs.  Please refer to the Volunteer page for volunteer information.  If interested in serving as a board member, please contact our president for more information.

Our board members consist of volunteer parents and guardians who dedicate their time in helping to ensure HAMPA continues to be successful in supporting our music and drama programs to benefit all of the music and drama students.

President – Kelly Hartman

SH Vice Presidents – Lisa Brenneman & Connie Pope

JH Vice Presidents – Brigitte Donlan

Drama Vice Presidents – Mandi Baker

Treasurer – Beth Corey

Assistant Treasurer – Joni Baraniak

Secretary – Nikole Eardley

Concession Stand Managers – Tommy Fedesco & Bernie Pavlocki

Fundraising Coordinator – Nicki Keagy


We encourage you to attend our informal meetings. It is during these meetings that we receive the latest news from the directors on upcoming events, reports from various committees, and discussions on how we can best support our music and drama programs. Parent involvement is a key ingredient to the success of the Hollidaysburg Music and Drama programs. Please come find out how to get involved and get information on what is happening.

All HAMPA parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month in the senior highband room. September through May (no meeting in December). We would love to see you there!

Next meeting: 

November 4th, 2024

Previous meeting minutes for:

Fair Share

An annual Fair Share program for secondary music and drama students is determined by the Executive Board each year, to contribute towards HAMPA’s operative expenses for the fiscal year. 

Fair Share fees are used to help the program operate. Without fees, the students would not be able to participate in all the exciting opportunities throughout the year.

  • Each family is expected to meet their Fair Share.
  • Before any student may participate in a HAMPA sponsored trip, the fair share of all siblings much be met before the appropriate deadline.

Fair Share Requirements

Fair Share yearly contribution of $200.

The fair share amount for a second and third student during the same school year is $150 each.

In addition, each student in the music/drama programs must have an adult representative VOLUNTEER in the concession stand ONE time.

Fair share credits for volunteering in the concession stand will begin to accrue after this obligation is fulfilled.

Fair share amount can be paid through any combination of direct payment by cash/check, credit card, parent credits earned by volunteering (check  CutTime for opportunities), or by participating in the many fundraisers that are available throughout the year.

Earning Fair Share Credits:​

  • concerts and drama productions
  • preparations for drama events
  • band/orchestra/chorus/drama camps
  • trip chaperone
  • bus chaperone
  • parade chaperone
  • football games – chaperone or helper
  • picnics/meals
  • fundraising distribution
  • drama yard sale
  • uniform/costume fittings
  • band truck driver/helper

For more detailed information on Fair Share requirements, please see Appendix A of the HAMPA ByLaws.